
Getting Started Adobe PDF reader MP3 Recordings MP4 Videos

Getting Started

All music found in this site is downloadable free of charge. You are authorized to print and copy sheet music and recordings as many times as you need to for non-commercial use. To view the sheet music you will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. See the Adobe Acrobat Reader installation instructions below.

To watch video recordings on this site, you will need a video player installed on your computer that can play back MP4 files. Players for QT on apple or MOV on Windows should also be compatible, as those are the same underlying format. If you start a video and it seems to be downloading without starting playback, try clicking on the play button.

To listen to recordings on this site, you will need a Media Player installed on your computer that can playback MP3. Audio playback works best on a high speed internet connection. If you have trouble with direct playback of audio, try downloading the MP3 file first, and then play back the file you saved to your local disk. Instructions for installing and using common media players are also shown below.

Start out by selecting the Music List from the contents pane on the left side of the web page to show a list of the available music. To view detailed information about a song listed in the music list, click on it's title. LEFT Click on the PDF or MP3 icon in the downloads column on the right hand side of the table to view sheet music or listen to a recording. A separate window will be opened when you click on the PDF or MP3 icons.  RIGHT Click on the icon, and select "Save Target As..." from the popup menu to download a file.

When viewing a song's detail page you can view or print the sheet music for the song (if available) by clicking on it's title, or the PDF icon. If a song has an audio recording you can listen to it by clicking on the MP3 icon. Remember that there will be a delay when you click on the MP3 icon for a song for the first time while the song is downloaded. The delay depends on the length of the song and the speed of your internet connection. Pictures on the song detail page can be viewed at an enlarged size in a separate window by clicking on the image.

To view and/or print a sheet music file, LEFT click the PDF icon. Your web browser will open the PDF document. After the file transfer is completed, the music should appear on your screen.  If you wish to print the file, use the commands on the PDF Reader toolbar, NOT the print tool on the browser tool bar. Once the PDF file is displayed, you can save it to your local disk with the acrobat reader "Save as" tool.

To save the file to your computer without viewing it first in acrobat reader, RIGHT click on the PDF icon for the song, and select the "Save Target As..." item from the pop-up menu.

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  The Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader

The Adobe Acrobat reader is needed to view or print the sheet music on this site. It is available free at:  Follow the instructions at that site, and you should end up with the reader installed as a "plug-in" for your browser. That means when you click on a link to a .PDF file, it will open the file and display it right in your browser.

They may ask you to register your name, e-mail address etc, but they provide an option box to check if you don't want your name sold to other companies mailing lists. You will need to specify the operating system you use (Windows 98, 2000, XP, etc.), and the language you want reader to use.

They will ask you to register (your name, e-mail address etc.) but they also provide a box to check if you don't want your name sold to mailing lists. They ask you which reader version you would like--either one will do. They ask you to specify what "platform" you're using (Windows 98, 2000, Mac, etc.) and what language you would like the Reader to use.

After you download the file, you will need to execute it. Open the directory where you saved the .exe file, and click on it. Follow the prompts to finish the installation.

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Audio Recordings

Recordings in MP3 format can be played back with any MP3 player. Some common ones are Windows Media PlayerReal Jukebox, and  Music Match.

When you click an MP3 link, your media player should open automatically. MP3 files are available only in high quality form. I find the highly compressed audio to not be worth listening too. If all you have is a dialup connection, then you will want to download the MP3 file first, and then play it back from your local disk.

These recordings are produced with a studio quality microphone and digital recorder, but they are not highly processed studio recordings. However, we think they sound quite nice, and we hope you will enjoy them. We sometimes have used digital piano midi equipment, but we generally prefer the sound of a "real" grand piano.

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Videos in MP4 format can be played back with any MP4/MOV/QT player, they are all essentially the same format.

When you click an MP4 link, your media player should open automatically. MP4 files are set to a low loss compression level at HD resolution, but your video player and browser can usually adapt to slower connection by reducing the resolution. If you have trouble, you can download the video and play it back locally.

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